Monday, February 27, 2012

Seniority Lists

More than ever in recent memory, the seniority lists kept by schools districts are being scrutinized by teachers (who are wondering how close they are to being laid off) and by administrators (who make the recommendations to Boards of Education about which positions to cut). Several years ago the Potsdam BOE was given a seniority list. I found one error on it and Mary Carroll (another Board member) found two mistakes. They were corrected. I strongly encourage all teachers who may have questions about their proper placement on their seniority lists to get good legal advice. I assume this would be from NYSUT attorneys. When I was a young teacher, I would have passively accepted the word of my union president if s/he told me a seniority list was correct. Now, these many years later, I realize how naive that would have been.

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