The 2013 Assessment letters have been mailed. How does your new assessment look? This information is very important relative to what your school taxes will be with the new spending plan. The assessment of our property increased 19%! That seems to be over and above what was needed by the Town of Potsdam to move the equalization rate to 100%.
If your assessment seems to be extraordinarily higher than expected, do something about it. Contact the Town Assessor, find out how the new assessment was calculated and check out the comparables. It is not necessary to accept the new assessed value of your home without documentation. If, after talking with the Assessor, you still aren't satisfied, file a grievance with the Town BAR and go to Grievance Day.
The assessed value of your property is a very important part of the taxes you pay for County, Town, Village, and School taxes. Make sure the value is equitable in your neighborhood. Everyone is willing to pay their fair share, as long as it is fair.
Ours went from 58,000 to 78,000 and a friend of ours went up from about 98,000 to 118,000.